Letter to the Senate: Vote No on Mike Pompeo for Secretary of State
Dear Senator:
I don’t want Mike Pompeo confirmed as the next Secretary of State.
I don’t want America to start another war.
I don’t want Trumpism exported across the globe.
I don’t want an anti-Muslim bigot as our chief diplomat.
I don’t want a climate change denier involved with our foreign policy.
I don’t want someone who supports torture representing our country.
I ask you to come out on the record now with a clear statement opposing Mike Pompeo, and to commit now to voting against him.
Pompeo’s supposed connection to the president is not an advantage, but a liability. Both have a dangerous approach to diplomacy.
In addition, you cannot agree to extract concessions from Pompeo on the management of the State Department in exchange for his confirmation. Yes, the State Department needs to end its retreat from policy leadership, be adequately funded, and fill vacancies at its highest levels, but Mike Pompeo is unfit to be the one in a leadership role.
In 2017, you voted on Mike Pompeo’s confirmation to lead the CIA. This spring, I am asking you to vote against his confirmation as Secretary of State.
Your Constituent